World of Outlaws Sprint cars invade the kingdom of speed tuesday, may 18th!

The greatest racing entertainment in the country, the World of Outlaws next Tuesday night!
Tuesday, May 18th
World of Outlaw Sprint Cars & Modifieds
Pits 3:00
Grandstands 4:30
What time does racing start ?
What time will the Outlaws race?
This is the World of Outlaws Schedule of Events from their website:
Pit Gates 2pm
Grandstand Gates 5pm
Hot Laps/Qualifying 6pm
Opening Ceremonies 7:20pm
Racing 7:30pm
$35 for Adult $15 for a child. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or on World of Outlaws website.
Are we allowed in the pits this year? If so how do we get/pay for access?
Pits will be open to anybody above the age of 16 years old and can be purchased at the gate. If you already purchased tickets tell them you would like to upgrade to a pit pass and they will ask for the difference of value and you will be all set ready to go! Enjoy the show!
How much does the world of outlaw show cost for Tuesday night may 18th
$35 for Adult $15 for a child. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or on World of Outlaws website.